ESHRE guidance on recommencing ART treatments

Principle (rationale)

As the COVID-19 pandemic is stabilising, the return to normal daily life will also see the need to restart the provison of ART treatments. Infertility is a disease and once the risk of SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 infection is decreasing, all ART treatments can be restarted for any clinical indication, in line with local regulations.
However, vigilance and measured steps must be taken for safe practice and to minimise the risks related to SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19-positive patients or staff during treatment.


The working group identified six pillars of good medical practice proposed for the restart of activity in the ART clinic and laboratory.

  1. Discussion, agreement and consent to the start of treatment
  2. Staff and patient triage
  3. Access to advice and treatment
  4. Adaptation of ART services
  5. Treatment cycle planning
  6. Code of Conduct for staff and patients

ESHRE recommends that ART centres use this guidance having first followed the local and/or national legislation and local and/or national government advice related to COVID-19.



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